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William Yallop Fullstack Developer
Dijkstra run
Dijkstra run
Dijkstra run
Dijkstra run
Dijkstra run
Dijkstra run

Algorithm Visualiser

  • Node
  • Vite
  • Typescript
  • SCSS


This is a work-in-progress project for displaying different pathfinding and sorting algorithms. It is intended as a learning project with visualisation to serve as motivation and a helper to explain the algorithms.

Pathfinding algorithms

Currently, it only has dijkstra’s pathfinding algorithm implemented. But I am planning on adding A* as well down the line.

For the pathfinding mode of the web app, a grid is rendered on the page. The size of this is configurable. On the grid, you can draw walls which act as a weighted value. Currently, there is only one weight that can be added to the canvas. As well as the weighted brush. You also have the start and target brush which allows you to add a beginning and end point to the grid. As it sounds, this is where the pathfinding will start and where it aims to reach.

Sorting algorithms

Currently, no sorting algorithms have been added, but they are on the roadmap for this project. These will include bubble sort, selection sort, insertion sort, merge sort etc.